Five Things I learned from the Pinterest Lunch and Learn
Last week I attended my first ever OCPRSA (Orange County Public Relations Society of America) luncheon at Doubletree Hotel in Santa Ana. It was quite the informational lunch hour. Here are five things I learned about Pinterest and PR and then some…
Storified by Marcie Taylor · Tue, Jul 24 2012 14:35:12
Do + Measure + Learn + Start Over = an excellent social media process. Great content a today’s #OCPRSA meeting.Kelly Teenor
Put social media as part of the strategy from the beginning. Social media should not be an after thought #OCPRSALaura Robinson
@Zappos "pin w/ purpose" key to all PR planning #ocprsaJenny Wedge
Keep it light on pinterest, people want to lose themselves on that medium. It’s not a news source. #ocprsaKerryRivera
Create your boards based on the stories you want to tell #pinterest #OCPRSALaura Robinson
Great pinterest advice from @wahoosfishtaco: do not over promote, create boards beyond your products, engage with your community #OCprsaAlyssa Mihm
@RockDaMullet @Zappos @BetsyKCRW @WahoosFishTaco on stage panel at @OC_PRSA #ocprsa #Pinterest event Ornelas
We did it! thanks #OCprsa Moyer
@Raglandtown @OCGente @LauraRobin24 @JGPR @suburbanmama Pin it to win it: Pinterest success for brands #OCprsaTed Nguyen