5 Social Media Resolutions for 2012

Inspired by Dan Gershenson over at the Personal Branding Blog, here are my Social Media Resolutions for 2012.


Of course any so called social media guru, maven, expert, specialist, will tell you that THIS is the secret sauce to building relationships online via social media channels. It’s a given to ENGAGE online, but MY RESOLUTION is to ENGAGE MORE and by more I don’t mean just more often but more meaningfully. This year, I intend to read relevant posts and get to know the other person on the line, the person behind that Twitter handle, that blogger behind that blog. Well, you get the picture.


Naturally, I resolve to be more organized every year and believe me, I die trying each time. But as hard as it is, to get organized in “real life,” you should see my Dropbox, and please, don’t even look at my C drive.  So if anyone out there has tips or tools to help me organize my downloaded files, blog posts, press releases, proposals and random ideas – SAVE ME as I am drowning in  a sea of digital disorganization (Fortunately for my images, iPhoto and Flickr make it easy to organize.)


With Pinterest, re-tweeting and Facebook sharing options, it is more convenient to NOT CREATE ANYTHING.  In today’s online world, with social media sharing tools at our fingertips, one can easily repeat or echo someone else’s image, words, ideas and what have you and claim it as their own.

This year I will double my efforts to CREATE MORE ORIGINAL CONTENT.  This means, I will write more and actually post them on my blogs. I will take more images and not resort to stock photos.


Last year, saw the power of social media for social good come to the fore with the Arab Spring and natural disasters like the earthquakes in Japan. Never has it been easier to communicate with large networks of people and as a result, mobilize people into action. Facebook and Twitter have given the power of the (digital) pen, which as you know, is mightier than the sword, to regular people like you and me.  We can make a difference with our words or even just 140 characters.

This year, I resolve to “pay it forward” more whether it’s pushing out good content, or promoting and supporting causes.


This is my version of stop and smell the roses. 2011 saw many of us glued to our smart phones. At social events, we tweet like mad men, documenting every single detail including the food we eat and the shoes we wore, but too often, we forget that right next to us is an actual live human that we can connect with.  This year, I say, take your finger off that touch screen and instead of searching up the person’s Facebook profile, LOOK UP and say hello. That PROFILE you just looked up is standing right next to you.

Memory Flashback from 2011.

Taken at BlogWorld Expo in LA. I include this photo here because in the first photo you see us tweeting away on our phones (i.e. NOT LOOKING UP). In the second photo, we're laughing and ENGAGING more it seems. And finally in the third, we're just well, happy. That's me in a blogger sandwich by the way – with Jenelyn Russo and Suzanne Broughton.






8 responses to “5 Social Media Resolutions for 2012”

  1.  Avatar

    I am very happy to be here because this is a very good site that provides lots of information

  2. Such a small think. 😉 But such a great idea

  3. These are great Marcie, short sweet and simple.

  4. Marcie –

    You rock for stopping the flow of tweets, posts, and communications and flying above the potential digital “noise” like Tinker Bell to asess what’s important about life – people, and getting to know them. I am honored that I have had the ability to get to know you in person and look forward to more fun times together in 2012!!!


  5. Hi Marcie,

    I couldn’t have read this at a better time because these are all the things I have on my list as well. My favorite one is #5. 🙂 But one more I’m adding for myself is taking the time to comment after reading a post that resonates for whatever reason. I think it provides good encouragement to continue to write/do what you’re doing because you have readers reading your blog who care enough to let you know that they’re reading your blog. Wait, did that sentence make sense? 🙂 — Michelle

    1. Marcie Taylor Avatar
      Marcie Taylor

      Thank you for your comment Michelle. Together we can achieve our goals this year. Let’s DO THIS!

  6. Andrea Loyko Avatar
    Andrea Loyko

    Marcie, I love it! Thoughtful planning with the greater good in mind. Will be watching your journey! Keep it up lady, you are doing good things here!

    1. Marcie Taylor Avatar
      Marcie Taylor

      Thank you for your support Andrea. Happy New Year to you too!